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Rose Quartz


The name of this well-known quartz variety refers to the color pink, in which the feminine rose quartz shines.


The color scale ranges from light to dark rose tones. Finest iron rutile needles give the rose quartz its characteristic rose color.


The rose quartz is usually cut in cabochon form. But also from time to time in a faceted form.

Cabochon cut: This shape is an unfaceted, round or oval cut, in which the underside is flat and the top is arched outwards. The cabochon cut accentuates and enhances the shimmer inherent in the stone's structure. Those shimmers are especially vivid in cat's eye quartz, falcon and tiger's eye, moonstone and opals.

Faceted cut: There is wide variety of faceted cuts - some of them are displayed in the picture to your right. 


The rose quartz is said to be able to positively influence love and friendship. Some people also assume that rose quartz has a positive effect on the heart and circulation. Its effects are on the heart, the blood and the associated cycle. It alleviates diseases that threaten the heart.

Mineral group

The rose quartz belongs to the group of macro crystalline quartz (silicon dioxides) whose individual crystals are visible to the naked eye.



The most significant rose quartz occurrences are in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Sri Lanka and the USA. Madagascar has the most beautiful and colorful rose quartz which often also found with a star.

Mohs scale

The Mohs hardness describes the hardness of a mineral on a scale of 1 to 10 and is named after its inventor, the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs (1773 - 1839). It is the basis of the hardness test. Friedrich Mohs scored various minerals against each other and arranged them according to their hardness. The scale consists of a series of 10 minerals, each of which "scratches" all standing in front of him. Diamonds have a Mohs hardness of 10 and are therefore the hardest minerals.

  • 1 + 2 can be scratched with the bare fingernail

  • 1 - 5 can be scratched with the knife

  • 6 - 10 can be scratched with pane

The rose quartz has hardness 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.


Please be aware that most gemstones should not be exposed to direct sunlight for too long since they will gradually bleach and loose their vibrant color. The best way to care for an rose quartz is to clean it with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth but it can also be cleaned with steam.

Not recommended: Ultrasonic cleaning. 


The rose quartz can be best combined with a nice and playful rosé gold.

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